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OHPHD Neighborhood Assoc.

August 25, 2021 Minutes

August 25, 2021

General Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Kansas City, Missouri

6:30 pm – 7:40 pm


Nadja Karpilow Scot Stockton Dianna Atkinson Matthew Browning Deb Robinson Angie Phillips Leigh Blumenthal Mary Farmer Satinder and Karta Purkh Khalsa Kristen Johnson Tom Ricker Kevin Worley E. Ungar Peter Cassel- MAC Properties David Guinn - MAC partner Eric Levin - MAC partner Jeff Kloch- MAC partner Will Nulton - MAC partner Branden Visset - Hufft Architects, MAC partner Adam S Charlene Downs - MAC partner

The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm

Introduction were made.

Dianna Atkinson, Treasurer, reported a balance of $3,814. The organization is in good standing with the Secretary of State.

The June 16, 2021 minutes were up for approval. Angie Phillips moved to accept the minutes. Dianna seconded and all were in favor.

Regarding the construction project on 3722 Central, there is currently no movement. The plumbing foundation was built, and materials are being stored there. The sidewalk is still not passable.

The Airbnb at 212 W. Armour went before the BZA and was approved. Nadja and Scot and Tabitha Judson met with Thomas Sharkey and his wife for a tour of the units. OHP did not submit a letter to the BZA regarding this property.

Peter Cassel shared information on MAC Properties project proposed for the nearly square block of Main/Armour/Baltimore/36th. Issues are 1) zoning and land use 2) affordability and inclusion and 3) the process for the project moving forward.

MAC is targeting the workforce population. 425 units are proposed along with 45,000 square feet of commercial space along Main street. It is a 105-million-dollar project.

The bank and Pancho's will remain thru the end of 2022. This will take the time to go through a deliberate process. At this meeting the discussion will not be about materials or the look of the buildings. The plan is to save and reuse the bank building on the corner. On the west side 2/3 of the parking lot will be saved. The New Yorker on Baltimore will be restored.

There is a 24-foot slope from Main to 36th Street. The buildings will be 7-10 stories tall.

Ten percent of the units will be very low income - 20-25 K per year.

Ten percent of the units will be low income - 30-35 K a year

80 percent will be workforce housing.

The buildings will be ADA accessible - elevators

The project will be brought to council for a vote this fall. It will start as a draft plan. After the vote they will work with the community and stay engaged with old hyde park historic district.

The project is slated to be completed in 2024-25, the same timeline as the streetcar.

Angie Phillips asked about the parking. Peter replied that there is planned to be 187 spaces for 425 units. Peter said there would be more parking than some of their other buildings. Workers and residents would be using the streetcar and bikeshare

The retail parking would be shared parking with the tenants. The question was asked as to how will the traffic around the area be considered and managed?

Scot Stockton asked if MAC has done a survey of how many of their current tenants have cars. Peter said no but that he does know that in their properties there is an average of 1.6 people per apartment.

Deb Robinson asked if there would be excavations for parking. Peter replied that no, they will keep the parking and that it is an asset to the property.

Kristen Johnson asked if MAC Properties would consider building additional parking. Peter answered no. Peter talked about the two additional buildings that will be constructed on Baltimore and Armour, what is now the bank surface parking lot. Neighbors expressed concern about increasing density in the neighborhood.

Debra asked about green space and if that had been considered. Peter mentioned only having green space on the roof and terraces.

Peter explained the process. An application will be submitted to the Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City. Then they will talk with the city planners and will want the neighborhood to provide input. Peter said he would have more details in October.

There was more discussion about the parking and the ratio of spaces to apartments. When asked if parking would be included in the rent Peter replied that it would not and that all spaces would be shared between the retail and residents. The neighbors expressed concern regarding this arrangement and questioned that the neighborhood would have the capacity to absorb more cars.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:36

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