October 16, 2019
General Meeting
Plexpod, Room 1K, 39th Street
Kansas City, Missouri
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Board Members Present: Scot Stockton, Nadja Karpilow, Matthew Browning, Dianna Atkinson, Angie Phillips, Deb Robinson
Other Neighbors Present: Bill Burk, Peter Cassel (Mac Properties), Michael Yablon (Mac Properties), Craig Anderson, Tom Besgrove, Doris Yonker, Marty Phillips (no relation to Angie Phillips), Susan Sullivan, Tabitha Judson
Scot called the meeting to order.
Scot updated the group on the cost of the historic designation plaques, and it was decided that he would notify neighbors of the cost and see if anyone was interested. They are $250 each + freight.
After introductions, Peter Cassel from Mac Properties provided an update on several projects. The Red Cross building at 211 W. Armour is moving along. Centric Projects is the contractor. Residents are expected to move in in July, 2020. There will be 60 units. Parking will be available to tenants for 211 and for the apartment building across the street. The garage building in the back is not being developed yet and will come back to the neighborhood association for input and approval prior to submitting plans. Currently the ideas are to make it into a dinner area/meeting space for tenants.
New construction is underway at the NW corner of Armour and Cherry. That will have 110 units and 79 parking spaces. Completion date is slated for October 2020.
At the corner of Troost and Armour there will be 4 building constructed with 340 apartments in total. The design will be brick and masonry on the Armour side and contemporary metal paneling on the Troost side. The ground floor will have retail. The apartments will be market rate.
Dianna gave the treasurers report. The current balance is $3,832.40. There was $130 received in membership dues, $63.53 paid out for clean up event fliers, and $10 for a bank service charge.
The minutes from the August meeting were presented. Deb Johnson moved to approve the minutes. Dianna Atkinson seconded, and all were in favor. The June minutes were not posted so that approval has been moved to the next meeting.
Litter it Matters is scheduled for October 28 to clean 37thStreet.
The neighborhood cleanup scheduled for October 5 at 3801 Wyandotte from 8:00 am to 12 noon was a success. The truck for reuse material was full and donated to City Union Mission thrift shop. All the scrap metal was recycled and the trash dumpster was about 1/3 full. There was discussion on next year’s event with the idea of bringing back electronics recycling and paper shredding.
The Old Hyde Park Historic District held its elections. Deb asked if there were any nominations from the floor. As there were none, she handed out the ballots. Dianna motioned to accept the slate of candidates. Angie seconded, and all were in favor. Scot Stockton for President; Nadja Karpilow for Secretary; Matthew Browning for Director; and Marty Phillips for Director.
On November 9 there will be a State of the Neighborhoods event at Kauffman Center from 9-12, sponsored by the Center for Neighborhoods.
McDonalds on Broadway is moving forward with their plans for property improvements. The agreement to replace the retaining wall and fence remains.
The group discussed the zoning change being proposed at city hall. This is the ordinance Councilman Bunch spoke of at the last meeting.
Brad Wolf of the Landmarks Department informed us (via e-mail) that the owner of 3528 Baltimore will need to remove the picture windows and put back double hung windows and will also have to remove the paint on the limestone.
Brad has been busy but is ready to work on the paint palette with Scot again.
Nadja will contact Lonnie Clark to see if he can help her and Matthew with moving the historic guidelines forward.
Tabitha has offered to help the association with website and e-mails. The group thanked her for her help. Nadja will send her a bullet list of things that need changing on the website and the logo.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for December 18, 2019. It will be a holiday meeting and will be at the lounge across from the main building at Plexpod.