April 19, 2023
General Meeting
Midtown KC Now
3931 Main Street
Kansas City, Missouri
Start Time 6:31pm
Board Members Present:
Nadja Karpilow, Matthew Browning, Dianna Atkinson, Angie Phillips, Betsy Ambrose, Jacob Ambrose, Aaron Fightmaster,
Other Neighbors Present:
Deb Robinson, Glenn Martin, Maria Martin, Nirmal Khalsa, Maggie Green, Chris Jones, Will Dubois, Leigh Blumenthal
Nadja called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm.
Dianna presented the treasurer’s report. The balance was $2,666.21.
Angie moved to postpone approval of the February meeting minutes.
Spring Block Party
Postponing to fall – we want to make sure this is a good representation of the neighborhood
See if we can collaborate with all neighborhoods in midtown
Collaborating with local businesses
KC Streetcar Main Street Extension, Maggie Green
Neighborhood Roadshow
Facetime with neighborhoods
KC Streetcar Construction on schedule.
Pedestrian improvements along with the project
Last of storm sewer and electrical work is occurring now
Update on Annex at 39th & Baltimore – non-electrical work to begin later this year. Building materials need to be confirmed with commission’
Sustainable Dev. Partners - Westport Commons discussion Will Dubois & Chip Walsh
Amendment to the approved plan
OHP, Southmoreland, Hyde Park sent letter about concerns
Follow up meeting with board
Meeting with other stakeholders
Looking to get input and see where agreement can be found
Zoning is approved for 100 units
Need to submit final plan that will be heard in a public forum
Will not be moving to that step for several weeks or possibly months
Pushed zoning forward to start looking at building costs, financial needs, etc.
As they go through construction estimation they will go through to see where additional brick can be added
Will Dubois presented neighborhood examples that they used to come up with current design and also the current rendering
Brick will be brick of some sort
They will look at the views to make sure there won’t be a view of the mechanical on the roof top
Can they use cheaper materials inside and upgrade outward facing buildings?
What is the trash plan for the property? Plan to include recycling.
Parking commitment – if residents are not able to adequately able to park on site, they will open the Plexpod garage
Traffic plan for areas
Hawk Light (Pedestrian controlled crossing) going in near 39th and Warwick
Possible walkability study for the area?
Trying to get a 4-way stop at 38th & Warwick
Short Term Rental
Neighborhood planning and development regarding ordinance substitute
Wanting to shift STR from planning to neighborhoods
Type 2 – nonresident rentals – push to ban in neighborhoods
Did not vote on issues
KC neighborhood advisory council leading the effort
Midtown KC Now update from Leigh Blumenthal
KC Water Public meeting – water main replacement, Broadway 31st to 39th
Will have weekly meetings
Coffee Klatch first Wednesday of every month
Midtown neighborhood forums – trying to get those kick started again
Workgroups for certain topics: small business, public space, homeless
Porchfest is back – October 14th (Roanoke & Valentine neighborhoods)
KC Spirit playbook: KC's new plan that will be voted on 4/20/2023
My KCMO app: free download for reporting various things - alternative to 311