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OHPHD Neighborhood Assoc.

February 17, 2021 Agenda

February 17, 2021

General Meeting

Virtual Meeting

6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

1. Call to Order and Introductions

2. Treasurers Report

3. Approval of October 2020 and December 2020 meeting minutes

4. Remembering Marty – Marty Phillips was an advocate for historic preservation and dedicated many years to our neighborhood. He passed away January 31, 2021.

5. Updates:

a. Midtown Now KC – Leigh Blumenthal

b. The Netherlands and The Canary – Lauren Jensen and Keely Edgington

c. Westport High School

6. Old/New Business

a. Neighborhood Planning Exercise for next meeting?

7. Adjournment


Old Hyde Park Historic District Neighborhood Meeting Summary

December 16, 2020

Present: Scot Stockton, Nathan Gwartney, Dianna Atkinson, Officer Charmainne Sanders, Angie Phillips, Deb Robinson, Matthew Browning, Nadja Karpilow

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm

Introductions included meeting Officer Sanders who is now the community interaction officer for the area, replacing Officer Sticken.

Dianna gave the treasurers report. There is a balance of $3,943.

There were a few corrections to the October minutes, including misspelled words and that the police budget Officer Sticken was talking about was a proposal, not a final budget. Nadja will make the changes and provide the updated October minutes at the February meeting. (see below – changes/additions in bold).

Nadja gave an update on the zoning case for 3704 Central. After the City Planning Commission denied the zoning change to R1.5, the case moved to the Neighborhoods, Planning and Development Committee, who then voted to allow the zoning change. The final vote came down to the city council who denied the zoning change. It was a win for the neighborhood and thanks were expressed to all the neighbors that wrote emails and testified, including neighbors in Hyde Park.

The group discussed MAC Properties proposal on the outbuilding for 211 W. Armour. The south side of the building is within the historic district. The southside will have infill transom windows with wood clapboard material and corrugated metal and concrete masonry will be painted dark grey. The east side, fronting Wyandotte Street, will be reusing the brick already used for the wall. A wood privacy fence will be building on the s side. The brush and trees will be removed. Previous discussions with Peter Cassel of MAC requested that the outbuilding blend into the historic character of the block. Scot said he would draft an email for Peter and send to the board for review.

The Alcazar on 39th and Baltimore may possibly be changed to senior housing.

Nadja gave a slide show of photos of midtown taken in the past three months. Pictures included the Knickerbocker before, during and after demolition; historic building improvements on Troost; the building at 3824 Warwick that had a stop-order but continued to work nonetheless and has covered up a historic brick building; and Roanoke Park.

The next meeting will be February 17, 2021.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40.


Minutes from October 21, 2020 - Virtual Meeting

Old Hyde Park Historic District Neighborhood Meeting, KCMO

Present: Marty Phillips, Peter Cassell, Deb Robinson, Dianna Atkinson, Scot Stockton, Matthew Browning, Nadja Karpilow, Angie Phillips, Officer Holly Sticken. Sat Inder Purkh, Karta Purkh, Kevin Klinkenberg, Alex Miller

Alex Miller representing Kansas City and works for Parsons gave a presentation on Kansas City Water and Upgrades on Main Street. The area of construction from Pershing to 51st and Brookside are to upgrade the old and aging water mains and sewer system, and to pave the way for the KC Streetcar. Included in the upgrades is a survey of Main Street and identiftying the old trolley tracks, and replacing and adding fire hydrants.

Fifteen different utility companies will be working on Main Street. Most of the work is underground. There will be one lane closed going south and north bound.

Alex explained the different ways to stay informed on the progress. Available online are regular updates and upcoming weekly work. Maps are online as well. Alex explained that this is a long project and appreciates all of our patience. His cell phone is 816-337-1013 if you have any questions. Visit

Peter Cassel from MAC Properties shared with the group that the outbuilding at 211 Armour Blvd was currently going through zoning approval. The building will be a shared space for residents living at 211 Armour and will include games and a patio with grills. The garage doors facing south will be replaced with glass. The context of this information is months ago when construction began at 211 W Armour (formerly the Red Cross) Peter met with neighborhood board members. At that meeting there was discussion about designing the outbuilding to fit with the historic nature of the neighborhood. On that block red brick is the dominant material used for residential construction. Peter said he would send drawings and that comments would be good to have within the next two weeks.

Dianna Atkinson gave the Treasurers report. The balance is $4,241.27. There were $170 in deposits and $100 in expenses. The expense was for a donation to Kansas City Historic Foundation.

Approval of the August Minutes.

Dianna moved to approve the August 19, 2020 meeting minutes. Deb Robinson seconded, and all were in favor.

A brief update on the 3704 Central street zoning change was shared. The City Planning Commission at the October 6 meeting denied the zoning change. Next steps is for a first reading at City Council and then a hearing with the Neighborhood and Development Committee. That is scheduled for October 2.

Kevin Klinkenberg from Midtown Now KC shared about the Wyandotte and Westport intersection street project where projects were implemented to slow down traffic. The design includes 6 murals on the asphalt. Kevin shared information about a drug-take-back event on October 24 at 40th and Main.

Nadja Karpilow reported that the cleanup Event in September in partnership with Heart of Westport neighborhood association was a success. Twenty-nine neighbors filled the dumpster; recycled a flat-bed trailer load of scrap metal, and donated three truck loads of reusable items to City Union Mission.

Deb Robinson shared that the newest plan for Westport High School is to develop one-bedroom apartments most. Scot said he would check in with Chip Walsh about the progress of that project.

Sunsource is trying to sell the land on Baltimore and 34th. There is someone interested in the property and would like to meet with the board to learn more.

Holly Sticken shared with the group that there would be a drive-thru trunk and treat at Macadonia Church and 1700 E. Linwood from 4-6. She also shared that the police department is experiencing budget cuts. A budget proposal includes fewer officers and no community interaction officers or social service workers assigned to each police district. She encouraged people to read the Chief’s blog for more information.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

The next meeting is December 16, 2020.

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