October 20, 2021
General Meeting
Virtual Meeting
Kansas City, Missouri
Old Hyde Park Historic District Meeting – October 20, 2021 Via zoom Present:
Nadja Karpilow Scot Stockton Dianna Atkinson Matthew Browning Deb Robinson Angie Phillips
Tabitha Judson
Mary Farmer
Satinder and Karta Purkh Khalsa
Kevin Worley and Karen
Alice Kitchen
Cheryl Barnes
Wilson Vance
Mary Allison
The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm
Introductions were made.
Dianna Atkinson, Treasurer, reported a balance of $3,760. There was one payment of $148.91 for the cleanup event fliers.
Dianna Atkinson moved to accept the August minutes. Deb Robinson seconded, and all were in favor.
Nadja reported that a letter from the board was sent to the BZA regarding 3625 Central. The letter supports the earlier BZA ruling to honor the zoning as a single-family resident. The owners are appealing the ruling.
The October 2 clean up event in partnership with Heart of Westport Neighborhood Association was a success.
Alice Kitchen and Cheryl Barnes from the League of Women Voters spoke about tax credits in Kansas City and the impact they have on social services. The issue of tax incentives is a civic issue. Tax breaks impact the taxes collected for schools, mental health and libraries. There are needs for human infrastructure.
The league worked with UNI (Urban Neighborhood Initiative) on promoting equitable housing. Ordinance 210873 works to establish a governing body to review the Housing Trust Fund applications, with reporting requirements, funding allocation direction and prioritization of fund use. (Google Ordinance 210873 KCMO to learn more).
There was a discussion on Community Benefits Agreements. This concept started in Los Angeles. A CBA holds the developers accountable for the agreements that were negotiated.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm