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OHPHD Neighborhood Assoc.

December 2016 Minutes

Submitted December 21 by Anne Papineau Nelson

Old Hyde Park Historic District, Inc.

A neighborhood association working to promote, strengthen, and maintain the quality of life in Old Hyde Park

Board of Directors Meeting

December 14, 2016

In attendance: Marty Phillips, Dianna Atkinson, DuRon Netsell, Scot Stockton, Anne Papineau Nelson, Mikael Nelson, Robyn Bedell, David Gress, Janet Moss, Joel Waltham, Nadia Karpilow, Lea Klepees, Candice Minear, Shana Keller, Joy Heaviland

Excused: Kaitlyn Bunch


Next scheduled meeting:

The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by Marty Phillips

  1. Minutes: Changes to minutes with addition of Dianna Atkinson as Treasurer

  2. Treasurer’s Report (attached) Dianna Atkinson

  3. Expenses:

  4. 6/2 Kaitlyn Bunch $172

  5. 6/3 Cornerstone of Care $100

  6. 6/4 Void

  7. 6/5 US Post Office Box $102

  8. SC 2 Mo - $30

  9. Stnt ch 2 mo $4

  10. Balance: $3472.50

  11. Income: $150 - 4 memberships

  12. Guests

  13. Report from the Whole Person with Lea Klepees and Candice Minear

  14. Outreach to the Old Hyde Park organization to coordinate and collaborate

  15. Volunteer opportunities - yard work for the disabled and disabled artists work

  16. Fourth Tuesday of every month event here at Cornerstones of Care for luncheon & tour - TWP 101

  17. Jan 20 Chipotle on 39th street if mention there for the Whole Person they donate 50% of proceeds to the whole person

  18. Candice Minear - Development and Community Relations Specialist at the Whole Person - 816.595.3334 (direct)

  19. Board Reports:

  20. Rockfest in Penn Valley Park - Nadja

  21. Working to move Rockfest - letters of support from fellow neighborhood associations to present to the KC Parks board

  22. Penn Valley Park was dedicated as a historic place this year

  23. Move to Swope or Riverfront possibly

  24. Parks dept gets $60K and Liberty Memorial gets $60K

  25. MainCor supports Rockfest

  26. Move all large events from the Park - including Chipotle Festival

  27. Nadja will send the email template for the letter of support to the board

  28. Crosswalks Project Update - Mikael

  29. Need to come up with a design, submit it, and pay for the paint

  30. Likely to be available to do so in 2018

  31. Main & Armor, 39th & Main

  32. Create a committee to study crosswalks improvement - do it outside of the actual board meetings - interested parties contact Mikael

  33. Conservation Update - Scot

  34. Goal: maintain historic character of our district to keep up our historic registration

  35. Conservation District surrounds the historic district - affects nothing now, but impacts future development

  36. Setting requirements for future developers

  37. Scot is waiting for the new proof on the writing for the Conservation District from Diana and then will go submit it to the city for feedback

  38. City, if approves, can sponsor it and present to city council

  39. Litter… It Matters - to resume in March

  40. Old Business

  41. Report from DuRon that SunSource lots at 34th & Baltimore are for sale

  42. 3823 Wyandotte is under contract

  43. Seasons Greetings card from Police Chief

  44. Santa Dash was a couple weeks ago

  45. New Business

  46. KC Water Dept wants to come talk with the board - date TBD

  47. Nelson Atkins sent out letter for its development plan - perhaps tear down the old mansions on north side - want to create a boutique hotel and office building - Southmoreland and Rockhill are opposed - Lou Steele from KC Sustainable Development Partners Asking for a letter of support - proposing to wait 15 years until actually enact plan

  48. Motion raised by Scot to send letter in opposition to Nelson Atkins plan and seconded by Mikael - approved by Board

  49. Trash and Recycling to be picked up on Dec 27

  50. Do we want to create a welcoming committee? Reach out to Kaitlyn Bunch

  51. Possibility of redoing lot behind McDonalds on Broadway - making it a garden - they may provide water - Marty will email Diana - Heartland Conservation Alliance is willing to help - Joy Heaviland (

Adjourned at 7:50pm

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