Submitted February 23 by Anne Papineau Nelson
Old Hyde Park Historic District, Inc.
A neighborhood association working to promote, strengthen, and maintain the quality of life in Old Hyde Park
Board of Directors Meeting
February 15, 2017
In attendance: Marty Phillips, DuRon Netsell, Scot Stockton, Mikael Nelson, Nadja Karpilow, Dianna Atkinson, Lou Steele, Lea Klepees, Matthew Vander Molen, Andy Erdrich, Chelsea Boren, Michael Fischer, David Brain
Excused: Kaitlyn Bunch, Anne Papineau Nelson
Next scheduled meeting:
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Marty Phillips
Minutes: No changes to December minutes
Treasurer’s Report (attached) Dianna Atkinson
Starting Balance: $3470.52
Balance: $3518.52
Income: $50 - 1 memberships
Report from Bridging the Gap by Matthew Vander Molen
Pledge of watering for 2 years
Needs 25 trees per neighborhood to go ahead
Trees must be in easement/right of way back from the street
Needs OHP to canvas and use our network to find people to take trees
Will allow to pick your tree
Report on Westport Commons from Lou Steele and David Brain
Set to be a coworking space for as little as $150/month, primarily tech
Small grocery by Sundry with carry out, cafe, and restaurant
$25 million spent with 100 meeting rooms
Estimated 400-500 people a day working at location
Parking garage on 39th
Grand opening in June
Plans for Bcycle and Zip Car stations with possible crosswalk across 39th street
Board Reports:
Crosswalks Project Update - Mikael
Preliminary schedule created and decided intersections chosen
Next step: create design
Conservation Update - Scot
Scot is getting proposal reviewed before submitting to the city
Unknown cost to OHP
Litter… It Matters - Nadja
March 25 - kick off
Integrate donuts & coffee
Need to post on facebook
Old Business
Rockfest in Penn Valley Park - Nadja
Nadja isn’t deterred by concert moving
Plans to resend support letter - will vote next meeting
New Business
Dumpster rental for members - April 20, 29, or May 6. Dates not confirmed yet
Marty would like to create a welcoming committee
Cohort - UMKC Program
Workshop for neighborhood training
March 7 - once a week for 3 hours, 16 weeks long around 5:30pm at UMKC campus
Signup and more info at, or 816-235-6931
Adjourned at 7:50pm