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OHPHD Neighborhood Assoc.

June 2016 Meeting Minutes

Submitted June 22 by Diana Kennedy

Old Hyde Park Historic District, Inc.

A neighborhood association working to promote, strengthen and maintain

the quality of life in Old Hyde Park

Board of Directors Meeting

June 15, 2016

In attendance: Marty Phillips, Diana Kennedy, Dianna Atkinson, Nadja Karpilow,

Kaitlyn Bunch, Scot Stockton, DuRon Netsell

Excused: Sat Inder Khalsa


Next scheduled meeting: August 17, 2016


Greg Voelier, Divisional Area Secretary for Business; Ramona Quinn, Program Director Salvation Army. The Salvation Army has a program that puts homeless families and single women in homes in OHP. They own Baltimore House at 3324 Baltimore that is divided into three units, and they lease many other apartments and homes. They want to be contacted regarding concerns/issues with the tenants. 816-729-6836 or 816-285-2495. Greg has been transferred and his replacement as of 7/1/16 will be David Harvey.

Catherine Kelly, Cultivate KC. They have submitted a bid for the Westport Middle School track field and hope to begin work in July. Their plans include:

  • Westport Farm focus on urban gardening to grow & sell organic veggies

  • Sell produce to people within walking distance

  • Open for tours

  • Have a greenhouse “of the future”

  • Cooking classes

The Urban Grown Farm Tour is 6/25 & 6/26 and includes 31 sites.


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Marty Phillips.

I. Minutes: 4/12/2016 minutes were accepted as presented

II. Treasurer’s report (attached): Scot Stockton reported in Sat Inder’s absence:

  • Expenses: $504.00

  • Balance: $3,651.99

  • Ended FY 2015 with 26 individual memberships, 3 business

  • Historic plaques: 6 sold & 4 remaining

III. President’s Report:

  • Armour Blvd. buildings: Peter Casals is working on permits and expects to begin construction in early Fall

  • Sun Source/34th Baltimore: no updates

  • Loose Mansion: applied for their own liquor license (liquor currently provided by caterer). Board agreed a conditional license that would not go with the building would be best. Barb Saathoff wants to meet with area neighbors to discuss.

IV. Committee Reports


Programs & Events

  • Litter…It Matters: the next clean-up will be Tuesday, 6/28, 6:00 pm meet at 3829 Warwick

  • Spring Social: 5/11 event at the new Swedish restaurant on Broadway had a good turnout

  • Block Party: October 2nd or 9th, Kaitlyn will notify Board, 4:00 pm-7:00 pm.

Safety & Security

  • Many area home robberies-thieves entering through unlocked windows

Neighborhood Marketing

  • Website: send Kaitlyn ideas for Resource page, photos for Photo page, info for Events/Calendar page. Bylaws and BOD meeting minutes will be on the website.

  • Tee shirts: available for current paid members.

  • Historic plaques: 4 remaining plaques.

  • Bike Walk KC: Proposed bike lane will be on Armour from Broadway to Paseo. Nadja and Duron said Public Works is in favor of a protected bike lane with parking on the inside. They will keep us posted on the final plan.

Audit & Nominating

Government Outreach Committee

V. Old Business

  • Board insurance: Sat Inder is getting quotes

  • Torn banners: Duron said a friend of his will remove the torn OHP banner at 39th & Walnut for free or for a $20 fee.

VI. New Business

Mikael Nelson and his wife Anne Papineau purchased the house at 3330 Baltimore Ave.

A motion was made and carried to elect Mikael to the open Director position on the Board.

He and his wife feel that the greatest advantages of their location is that it is a close and walkable neighborhood. Mikael feels that residents should strive for a neighborhood that is safe and clean which extends into improving multimodal transit, more transit connections, marked crosswalks, and safer bike lanes. He feels these are things that make the neighborhood great for everyone that lives here or visits.

Adjourned: 8:10 pm

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