Submitted October 24 by Diana Kennedy
Old Hyde Park Historic District, Inc.
A neighborhood association working to promote, strengthen and maintain
the quality of life in Old Hyde Park
Board of Directors Meeting
October 19, 2016
In attendance: Marty Phillips, Diana Kennedy, Dianna Atkinson, Nadja Karpilow,
Kaitlyn Bunch, Scot Stockton, Sat Inder Khalsa, Mikael Nelson, DuRon Netsell
Next scheduled meeting: December 14, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm by Marty Phillips.
I. Minutes: 8/17/2016 minutes were accepted as presented
II. Treasurer’s report (attached) Sat Inder:
Expenses: $827.77
Balance: $3427.39
2016-2017 budget was presented for discussion. The Board voted to accept the budget as presented.
7/2015-6/2016 Annual Report was presented
III. President’s Report:
Marty sent a letter of support to the July Jubilee and Expressions of Arts Series on behalf of the Whole Person.
Broadway CID will be funded by a one cent sales tax on 80 businesses. The CID will be completed by 9/2017.
Marty will check with The Whole Person for BOD meeting availability on 12/14.
IV. Committee Reports
Programs & Events
Litter…It Matters: the last clean-up of the year will be 10/24, 6:00 pm, meet at 38th Baltimore
Block Party: The annual October 9th event was a great success…thank you Kaitlyn!
Safety & Security
Neighborhood Marketing
Website: Kaitlyn said the website is officially ready with the online membership form available and PayPal working! Let her know if any updates are needed.
Audit & Nominating
Nominating Committee: Bill Burk, Susan Sullivan, Matthew Brown
Election results:
VP: Scot Stockton
Secretary: Anne Papineau
Directors: Shannon Keller, DuRon Netsell
Bill Burke led the new officers in the Oath of Office.
Government Outreach Committee
V. Old Business
Hyde Park playground (38th Gillham): Cornerstones of Care is working on getting funding for the equipment. A motion was made and carried to donate $100.00 on behalf of OHPHD.
Neighborhood Conservation overlay: Scot, Sat Inder & Diana continue meeting to define the mission; create goals; establish guidelines.
Bike plan: DuRon said there is a public meeting 10/22, 10:00 am at MainCor regarding the proposed plan.
VI. New Business
Crosswalks Project: Mikael told of this Waldo project that involves the neighborhood in promoting safer crosswalks. Selected crosswalks are designed, decorated/painted by neighborhoods. Mikael will arrange for a Waldo Neighborhood Association contact to come to the December Board meeting to discuss project.
Adjourned: 8:00 pm