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OHPHD Neighborhood Assoc.

January 2018 Minutes

Meeting January 22, 2018

The Sundry, 39th Street

6:30 pm

Present: Scot Stockton, Deb Robinson, Nadja Karpilow, Matthew Browning

Excused Absence: Dianna Atkinson, Lonnie Clark

Unexcused Absence: DuRon Netsell, Kaitlyn Bunch, Shanna DiPaulo-Keller

Scot called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm

There was no quorum.

Those present agreed to settle on the meeting dates and locations when we meet in February. There was some discussion about keeping the third Wednesday of the month as our general/board meeting and having our ‘off’ month meetings on the second Mondays at The Sundry. The group thought it would be good to have the general meetings at Plexpod. We have the space for free in February, however after that the cost is $65 per hour.

The group discussed the preservation seminar scheduled for January 27. As of the meeting date there were 11 people interested. Brad Wolf from the city’s preservation office will do a presentation. Scot will make name tags. The group discussed promoting the event further this week. Nadja will contact Main Cor.

Brad Wolf sent the latest design from Sunsource for the property at 34th and Baltimore. The landmarks commission meets on Friday, January 26.

A goal to revise the by-laws for an April meeting vote was discussed. Deb and Scot will be meeting February 5, and anyone else interested in working on the by-laws.

Scot sent out to the board an announcement on a class Community Organizing and Advocacy Training being held on Tuesday evenings beginning January 30. The class goes from 5:30 – 7:00 pm at the Health Department at 2400 Troost.

The group discussed the membership cards. Deb reported that Michael’s offer to make the cards is no longer due to unexpected changes. We will discuss the idea of canvassing businesses for a ten percent discount at the February meeting.

Scot suggested that we do a photo inventory of the housing stock in Old Hyde Park. A good time to do this is now when the trees are bare.

The group discussed the status of the website. This will be an agenda item for February. Nadja will organize the Litter Matter dates and locations for the calendar.

The next board meeting is February 21 at 6:30 at the Plexpod.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

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