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OHPHD Neighborhood Assoc.

October 2017 Minutes

Old Hyde Park Historic District

Meeting Summary

October 18, 2017

These minutes were first compiled by Anne Papineau Nelson without election results. The current secretary added election results and sent to board for review and for final approval at the 2/21/18 meeting.

In attendance: Dianna Atkinson, Susan Sullivan, Martin Phillips, Scot Stockton, Bill Burk, Mark Epsing, Mardel Esping, April Bier, Jan Marcanson, Deb Robinson, Mike Robinson, Nadja Karpilow, Shanna Keller, Mikael Nelson, Anne Papineau Nelson, John Potret, Stephanie Potret, Lonnie Clark, Brad Menger, Ryan Mott, Satinder Khan, Karta Purkh, Matthew Browning, Kaitlyn Bunch

Excused: DuRon Netsell

The meeting was called to Order by Marty Phillips at 6:32 pm

  1. Minutes. No changes to the August minutes

  2. Minutes to be added to the website for neighborhood viewing

  3. Treasurers Report by Dianna Atkinson

  4. Balance $4,593.18

  5. Expenses: City renewal $168; website service charge $4

  6. Additions: $746.24

  7. Guests

  8. Olsson Associates

  9. Gillham Road bike plan, looking to add bike lanes to reduce accidents

  10. Looking to survey neighbors

  11. It is a planning grant, not a development grant

  12. Sending it out in January

  13. Looking for feedback

  14. Elections

  15. Marty’s comments: need greater support for Westport and historic preservation

  16. Scot: Nominating committee decided to add questionnaire to streamline process.

  17. Results

  18. President: Scot Stockton won as a write-in.

  19. VPII – Deb Robinson

  20. Director – Kaitlyn Bunch

  21. Director – Matthew Browning

  22. Treasurer - Dianna Atkinson

When Scot Stockton who was first vice president won the election for president, Deb Robinson, who had just been elected Director, moved up to take Scots place as vice president. Following, Kaitlyn Bunch was elected as director to replace Deb just elected position.

  1. Board Reports

  2. Neighborhood News

  3. Plexpod at Westport Commons looks great – Marty

  4. Sent letters of support to Whole Person and Met Theatre for an event

  5. 34th Street architecture design with Sun Source will meeting November 7

  6. Project by B&A architects Dennis Bradley will meet with neighborhood for apartment development on Main Street across from Costco.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm.

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