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April 2019 Minutes

OHPHD Neighborhood Assoc.

April 17, 2019

Plexpod, Room 1K, 39th Street

Kansas City, Missouri

6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Board Members Present: Scot Stockton, Nadja Karpilow, Matthew Browning, Dianna Atkinson

Others Present: Marty Phillips, Officer Holly Sticken, Geoff Jolley

Excused Absence: Angie Phillips, Deb Robinson

Scot called the meeting to order.

Dianna gave the treasurers report. The current balance is $3,959.35

The February minutes were not voted on as they had not been posted.

Geoff Jolley is running for 4th district city council. Geoff shared his background and goals. The group had a conversation on affordable housing and neighborhood stabilization, among other things.

Board members met with Peter Cassel of MAC properties on April 2, 2019 at the Red Cross Building to discuss design and land use issues. The building will remain intact and will not include any additions. The drive way on Central Street will be eliminated. There will be a wood fence placed on the south side of the property. The board agreed to write a letter of support as long as it was clear that when MAC is ready to utilize the out building that they confer with the board to make certain we approve of the design. The board emphasized that it was important the building blend with the historic character of our neighborhood, specifically with the buildings next to and across the street.

Litter it Matters will meet April 22 to clean Central.

Scot reported that he sent historic paint colors to Brad Wolf for future guidelines. The colors are divided into five categories. Brad should be getting back to him.

Nadja reported that the guidelines from Albany, OR are in word document and that mostly what is needed now are local photographs that represent the examples provided.

Nadja announced that on May 1 Jacob Wagner from Center for Neighborhoods will be giving a presentation on neighborhood planning at the Plexpod. Geoff noted that he has worked with Jacob before and spoke highly of his work.

Dianna reported that two houses are being reconstructed on Wyandotte and that one of them is slated to be an Airbnb. The group discussed the current city rules. The property owner must have a special use permit for an Airbnb and that 55% of the neighbors must agree.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for August 21, 2019.

© 2025 Old Hyde Park Historic District, Inc.

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