August 21, 2019
General Meeting
Plexpod, Room 1K, 39th Street
Kansas City, Missouri
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Board Members Present:Scot Stockton, Nadja Karpilow, Matthew Browning, Dianna Atkinson, Angie Phillips,
Other Neighbors Present:Bill Burk, Sara Jimenez, Craig Anderson, Tom Besgrove, Holly Sticken, June Holte, David Hansen, Haley Mott, Eric Bunch, Marty Phillips (no relation to Angie Phillips) Excused Absence: Debra Robinson
Scot called the meeting to order.
Dianna gave the treasurers report. The current balance is $3,775.93.
The minutes from the June meeting were presented and will be voted at the next meeting.
Eric Bunch, city council member representing the 4thdistrict, was invited to speak and share. Eric has lived in the neighborhood for six years and appreciates living within the proximity of public transit and other amenities. He is the co-founder of BikewalkKC and believes walkability is important to an urban lifestyle.
There was some discussion on zoning. Eric spoke about a proposed ordinance having to do with zoning changes for in-fill. He said that this ordinance would cease automatic consolidation of adjacent properties owned by one property owner.
Eric expressed concern that our neighborhood historic district designation disincentives investment. He commented on the extra levels of expectations and that it costs more money. Others at the meeting disagreed that the cost to make changes and work with the city’s Landmarks department is prohibitive.
Marty expressed concern about the transfer of a liquor license and that it should not go with the building but rather with the business when hands change. Eric said he would investigate. Eric shared with the group his e-mail and said to contact him anytime.
Litter…It Matters is scheduled for August 26 to clean 34th Street. Nadja will be out of town but will give bags to Scot.
The neighborhood cleanup is scheduled for October 5 at 3801 Wyandotte from 8:00 am to 12 noon. There will be a trash dumpster and an opportunity to donate household goods for reuse. Angie will see if Connecting for Good could come and collect electronics for recycling.
Peter Cassell from MAC Properties informed Scot that work on the former Red Cross building was on hold temporarily but will be moving forward again in September. Scot announced that Peter will be attending our October meeting to give us an update on MAC property projects.
Leigh from Midtown KC Now was unable to attend but she did provide a list of updates. (See attached). Scot shared those updates with the group.
Scot asked the group how we wanted to move forward with ordering the historic plaques. Scot will find out what the cost is of a plaque with a break and without – and post a photo and notice on Facebook to see if any neighbors are interested in purchasing one for their house.
Angie shared that the Met Theater is hosting a happy hour once a month and is reaching out to neighbors. She will keep us up to date.
Holly Sticken, Community Interaction Officer with the police department noted that October is Crime Prevention Month.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for October 16, 2019.