December 18, 2019
General Meeting
Plexpod, Room 1K, 39th Street
Kansas City, Missouri
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Board Members Present:Scot Stockton, Nadja Karpilow, Matthew Browning, Angie Phillips, Deb Robinson, Marty Phillips
Other Neighbors Present:Bill Burk, Joe Gelbmann, Mary Dollins, Tabitha Judson, Susan Sullivan, Craig Anderson, Tom Besgrove, Mike Robinson, Aurora Sheilds, Mike Shields
The meeting was called to order at 6:39.
After introductions, business proceeded. Dianna is out of town so there is no treasurers report. The October minutes had a correction: the price of plaques does not include freight.
Marty Phillips motions to approve the October minutes. Deb seconded and all were in favor. Angie motions to approve the June minutes. Deb seconded and all were in favor.
Litter…It Matters is on break until April.
Marty assembled a list of realtors for the area and telephoned them. Nadja followed up with e-mails. They are informing the realtors that they are selling properties in a historic district.
Scot has not heard from Brad Wolf the status of the paint pallet.
The Board agreed to support Midtown Now KC for $120 and The Historic Kansas City Foundation for $100. Angie motioned to support these organizations as listed above. Marty seconded and all were in favor.
A streetcar representative is scheduled to speak at the February meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 pm.