February 16, 2022
General Meeting
Virtual Meeting
Kansas City, Missouri
6:30 pm – 7:40 pm
Present: Matthew Browning Nadja Karpilow Deb Robinson, Angie Phillips Stan Henry Satinder Khalsa Karta Purkh
Leigh Blumenthal Brien Darby DuRon Netsell Paul Hensley Dianna Atkinson Scot Stockton Tabitha Judson
The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm.
After introductions Dianna Atkinson gave a treasurer’s report. Expenses were $136 to the city for the honorary street sign application, $250 for membership to Midtown KC Now, and $188 was for the post office box rental. There is a balance of $3,186.70. Nadja Karpilow moved to renew Old Hyde Park’s membership with Historic Kansas City. Angie Phillips seconded and all were in favor.
Dianna moved to accept the December 2021 meeting minutes. Matthew Browning seconded, and all were in favor.
Brien Darby, executive director of Cultivate KC shared that there would be neighborhood meeting on March 2 to share information about plans at the Westport Farm. Cultivate purchased the land at the old Westport Middle School five years ago and have been growing crops there for the last three years. A new greenhouse is on site now and
extends the growing season and increases yields. There are 16 other urban farms within five miles. This site will become a hub for other farms to utilize the greenhouse, bench space for starters and transplants, and other equipment. A tool library is also planned. Other goals for the site include a community compost site, chickens, and goats. There are bees there now. There are also plans to create/build a shade space to use for school groups and community meetings, and signage, including a community bulletin board. Currently there is one crew leader, ten volunteers, and three farmers. Cultivate KC is requesting funds through the Rebuild Grant for the shade space and other infrastructure improvements and asked for the board’s support.
The Mac Properties project is on hold. It was suggested that we still communicate our concerns to them.
The project at 38th and Baltimore that includes a substation and a maintenance building for the streetcar is moving along. At the first community meeting the design proposed was not well received. Nadja and Matthew have met with city and streetcar staff twice on behalf of the board and are working to come up with a design that fits in the historic district. Midtown KC Now has offered their space for these meetings.
Midtown KC Now hosted a community meeting on Airbnb on January 20. Deb Robinson shared that city planning staff attended and outlined the process for city approval. The requirement for Airbnb came without enforcement and resources at city hall are limited. The number of unregistered rentals and the lack of oversight were issues discussed at the meeting.
Leigh Blumenthal from Midtown KC Now shared updates. The community meeting/luncheon about ADU’s (Accessory Dwelling Units) was postponed due to snow.
Lux Living closed on the Katz property and will be starting work this March or April. The Alcazar is now called Westport Heights.
DuRon Netsell shared that he was applying for the Rebuild Grant for improvements to Warwick Blvd. from 36th to 43rd street. They include curb extensions, bollards, planters, tree planting, and landscaping. DuRon was asking for a support letter from the board for this project.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm. The next meeting is April 20, 2022.