June 15, 2022
General Meeting
Plexpod Community Room 1K
300 E. 39th Street
Kansas City, Missouri
6:30 pm – 7:55 pm
Board Members Present: Scot Stockton, Nadja Karpilow, Matthew Browning, Dianna Atkinson, Angie Phillips
Other Neighbors Present: Chris Jones, Lauren Jensen, Aaron Fightmaster,
Jacob Ambrose Betsy Ambrose
Special Guests: Pat Sterrett Leigh Blumenthal
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. Introductions were made.
There were no expenses since the last Treasurers report in April.
Leigh Blumenthal Dianna Atkinson Scot Stockton Chris Jones Lauren Jensen Aaron Fightmaster
Angie Phillips moved to accept the April 2022 meeting minutes. Matthew Browning seconded, and all were in favor.
There was a short discussion on the email delivery as some neighbors did not receive the meeting notice. Betsy Ambrose offered to assist with communications.
Pat Sterrett of Sterrett Urban LLC and working for Exact Partners reported that the historic preservation designation was approved for the Armory on Main Street. They are still waiting to hear about the ABC and electric car buildings at Main and Linwood. The tax credits still need to be approved. The Armory is planned for 34-38 studio apartments and will begin construction by the end of 2022. An application is in for a ten-year 100% abatement on improvements for the Armory and ABC and electric car buildings. Instead of building a parking structure for the Armory the focus will be on affordable housing.
Nadja reported that the newsletter is complete and ready for printing.
Aaron Fightmaster offered to print them. The electronic version will be sent to Tabitha to post on the website.
38th and Baltimore – Matthew reported that the streetcar and city staff met with him and Nadja again (3rd meeting) and were agreeable to design features that had been recommended. He has not heard from them since.
3600 Walnut – the plan is to develop 8 town homes, at about 2,100 – 2,500 square feet. They will be three stories with the garage accessible from the back. Scot has the original cornerstone from the Westminster Church that had been there since 1904 before it was demolished last year.
3722 Central – this property continues to be a problem. The developer is not using the required materials or following the correct setbacks.
The 4th annual neighborhood recycling and clean up with in partnership with Heart of Westport neighborhood will be on October 1 at 3801 Wyandotte.
Leigh from Midtown KC Now gave an update. The CID (Community Improvement District) is expanding to include Westport Road to Stateline Road.
Improvements to Murray Park include seven fruit trees and two chess tables.
PIAC allocations are reserved for beautifications on Westport and will include flower containers and permanent curbs at Westport and Wyandotte.
The parking lot at 40th and Main Street where the Midtown Market is located will be adding green space. The monthly luncheon at Midtown KC Now will be a presentation on historic preservation on June 16. A water completion event will be on August 27 at the parking lot of St. Paul’s.
The annual midtown now survey is now open and focus on four components: multi-modal transportation; community safety; economic development; and placemaking and civics. The survey closed on July 8 and a discussion on the survey results will be on July 21.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55.
The next meeting is August 17, 2022.